Funding Research Since 1950
The Larry Jones Legacy Award*
The Arc of Washington Trust Fund has, since 1950, supported research aimed at benefiting the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). We continue to fund research by investigators in the state of Washington aimed at meeting the mission of the Trust Fund - “To support research identifying issues affecting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, to support programs enriching their lives, and to support the education and training of community members working with the I/DD population.” We invite grant proposals for the 2025 funding period.
Research grants are limited to $25,000 for a one-year period and Indirect Costs / Institutional overheads are limited to 10% of total budget. Submissions that have access to matching funds and are compatible with the constraints of the current pandemic environment will be favored.
Research must directly benefit individuals with I/DD or lead to a benefit through programmatic or legislative changes. Proposals from young investigators (i.e. in first 10 years of investigator’s career) are preferred, but investigators at all career stages are welcome to apply. Similarly, proposals with a high likelihood of attracting concurrent or follow-on funding from federal, state, or other sources are preferred.
*This award recognizes the legacy of Larry Jones, J.D., Ph.D., to The Arc of Washington State and to the community of persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Larry served for decades on the boards of The Arc of Washington State and The Arc of Washington State Trust Fund. His professional work as an attorney for families of those with intellectual disabilities was acknowledged nationally. He was the author of the 2010 book “Doing Disability Justice” detailing the long road parents and advocates have traveled towards achieving equity and justice for persons with intellectual disabilities. Larry Jones passed away in 2021 after a lifetime of service to the I/DD community.
In order to apply, a Letter of Intent – identifying the investigator(s), institutions involved, and a one page summary of the intended research and its potential impact – is required by March 31, 2025 for Trust Fund Board consideration.
For a Research Grant Letter of Intent form, click the button below:
After downloading the form, please fill out completely and email to:
Completed letters, along with all other required documents and materials, must be emailed no later than 12:00 Midnight in the locality where transmitted no later than March 31, 2025. Extensions will not be granted, and late letters will not accepted.
Investigators invited to submit a full Proposal will be notified by May 1, 2025, and a full proposal will be due July 31, 2025. Proposals will be limited to 6 pages - to include Background, Specific Aims, Research Plan (including any preliminary data and a timeline) and a Statement of Anticipated Impact. Ancillary material – references, letters of support, biosketches of investigators, line item budget and budget justification - are required but will not be counted against proposal page limits. Further details and restrictions will be sent to investigators who are chosen to submit full proposals on May 1, 2025.
For questions on the Research Grant program, please contact us by email at
For a summary of grants awarded since 1985: “Summary of Grant Awards”.